
Crime Catastrophe Cover-Up

August 6, 2023
Crime Catastrophe Cover-Up


It's criminal that the crime catastrophe is covered up in New Zealand. Shrouded in Secrecy, the alarming culture of crime cover-ups in New Zealand is going largely unchecked. Behind it is a troubling alliance among Government, Police, and Media.

It’s straight from a movie plot. The Government, Police and Media collude together to keep the New Zealand public in the dark about the extent of crime in this country.

Take a look at some of the recent criminal behaviour reported in the media and you’ll notice a distinctive narrative they are all peddling:

Notice how they want us to believe that all of the crime we are experiencing is an ‘isolated incident’.  

‘Isolated incident’ is an official narrative designed to suggest that the incident in question is not part of a broader trend or pattern. They are seeking to downplay the level of crime occurring. They do not want the public to know that we have a systemic problem.

Also, notice how the Police won’t readily admit to gang affiliations with these crimes, and the Media seem muzzled to report this. Yet one of the offenders they are chasing from the Scooter shooting in the Auckland CBD is wearing ‘distinctive’ red & black and a red cap. Typical gang attire, in my opinion.

The public has a right to know though how safe our streets really are these days.
If you’re a parent who lets your kids play at the neighbourhood playground at Taurima Reserve in Point England, you want to know that it’s safe, right?
If you’re a parent who allows your teenager to scooter around the Auckland CBD with friends, you want to know that it's safe, right?

Yet, both places have seen homicides take place due to guns fired in the past week! And officials fail to disclose many of the facts. 

Add to this, Government Officials and the Police work tirelessly to cover up and slow down the release of data that reveals how bad crime has become in New Zealand. Most reports contain data that is out of date by the time it's released.

The government seeks to protect their own interests and maintain their hold on power by manipulating statistics, suppressing information, and selectively sharing data that supports their agenda. They purposively downplay issues such as crime so as to give a false impression of progress. They make decisions based on what will gain or lose votes in pending elections. Millions are spent on Public Relations by government departments. 

Police have been drilled to stick to the official narrative. Those who work for the Police tell me how they’re not allowed to talk to the media unless it's passed through the Police Media team. This ensures everyone toes the line.

Andrew Coster’s ‘policing by consent’ ideology is underpinned by a strong desire to have public approval and public respect. Image is everything these days in the NZ Police Force. The last thing authorities want is for the public to be aware that the Police are struggling to manage crime effectively. Yet facts show they’ve lost control of crime. 

Then we have the Mainstream Media. These days, MSM are lazy, politically biased and lacking experience. Publishing the official narrative is easier than engaging in rigorous journalism and investigative reporting...easier than doing their damn job. As the fourth estate they are supposed to keep the public informed and act as a check on the government’s action, and holding those in power accountable, like the Police.

Emotionally and mentally this is messing with Kiwis. You only have to check the pulse of the local community though to know that Kiwis are feeling increasingly unsafe.

A lady told me the other day how she is afraid to now visit her local mall due to fears another broad daylight smash and grab may occur.

We have a systemic crime problem in New Zealand. Take a city like Rotorua, in the past five years they’ve seen:
• Assaults have gone up 30.5%
• Sexual Assaults are up about 40%
• Robbery is up by 42%
• Violent crime victimisations have increased by 95%
• Retail crime is up 180% with 1,750 incidents
• Ram-raids are up by 1028%

Across New Zealand, the Police are adding 250,000 new identities to their database every year. They have more than seven million people in their system as offenders, victims of crime, people involved in a serious vehicle crash or missing people. Considering we only have a population of 5 million, would it be safe to assume almost everyone has been impacted by crime in some way? 

This is New Zealand, not Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador or Honduras. These countries all have high homicide rates, robberies, and widespread gang-related violence.

Yet, New Zealand has one of the highest gang membership rates in the world compared to other countries. Our gang numbers outnumber the army significantly. And do we really believe that the government figures are accurate when they state that gang affiliates number 8,607, and Police number 10,700? Since 2017, gang numbers have increased by 61%. Police numbers have risen by 21%. Who do you think is winning the fight? I wouldn't be at all surprised if the gangs now significantly outnumber the Police, given that Police stats are always out of date, and the trajectory of growth we've seen with gang numbers doubling under Labour in the past five years, with the gangs adding on average 3 people a day.

It’s clear, the government and the Police do not have a handle on our gang problem in New Zealand, and they’re using the media to cover this up.  

It’s time that the deception and cover-ups stopped. We had enough of that with the Covid Cover-Ups. Now we’ve got the Crime Cover-ups. We need to be honest about the problem, we need to put the right people with the right solutions into Parliament so that collectively we can begin to clean up our streets and rid our country of crime before it’s too late and we can’t pull things back from the brink. Word on the street is we’re on the cusp of street wars between the Police and gangs in some of our regions., like in the Bay of Plenty.

It’s a damn shame that a third of Kiwis are looking to turn now their backs on this beautiful country, as they consider moving to Australia. Crime will be a major contributor to these big life decisions. 

I for one, I’m prepared to stay and fight to Make NZ Safe Again!
I dream of a New Zealand again where you could let your kids play safely in your neighbourhood with their friends, their laughter echoing through the streets. Where you could leave your homes and cars unlocked without fear of robberies, car thefts or home invasions. People stroll our streets feeling safe and secure in their surroundings. Shopkeepers have peace of mind and enjoy going to work again without fear, and we all enjoy vibrant retail spaces where business owners can now focus on providing quality goods and services. Where Neighbours look after each other and enjoy a good chinwag over the fence, where there is genuine care and concern and a strong sense of community spirit and trust.

You deserve better New Zealand. You deserve more!
You deserve a safer New Zealand.

Party Vote Freedoms NZ and I guarantee that if we’re given the power to govern, we will implement our promising TIME TO STOP CRIME law & order policy. We will make NZ safe again!

Come along to our TIME TO STOP CRIME public meeting in Rotorua this Tuesday to hear more about our policy in detail:

 Arawa Park Hotel
 272 Fenton Street
 Free Entry

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