
Hose down the yard!

September 8, 2023
Hose down the yard!

Brian Tamaki
9th september 2023

As newcomers in this year's election, Freedoms NZ is appalled by the rampant corruption: Corrupt Politicians, Corrupt Media, and Corrupt Polls.

In New Zealand, politicians and journalists are rated as the least trusted public figures. So why do voters give them so much airtime as we head into another election? Deep down, we know they're lying to us. Only 10% of New Zealanders trust politicians. Only 23% of New Zealanders trust journalists, showing a rapid decline in recent years.

Countries known for corruption must be blushing at the blatancy of New Zealand's antics. 
Here's just a small taste of what's going on:

  • Put simply, Labour are liars. Labour is playing dirty now and creatively making up disinformation to knee-cap the opposition. From their social media team to MPs like Andrew Little and Willie Jackson, they have all been caught out in the past week. The irony is, under Labour, they've accused in many reports those who spread disinformation as being a 'national security threat'.
  • PM Chris Hipkins said he sent a 'riot act' to his team asking them to tell the truth, but let's be real, no one believes that as we know how much of a gutter politician Hipkins can be. As the public, we've become distrusting of our politicians, especially Hipkins, with all the Covid propaganda they force-fed us from their purported 'podium of truth'.
  • Willie Jackson is well and truly off his leash now as Labour's #1 pitbull and resident mudslinger and muckraker. Hipkins calls him 'passionate,' but we all know him to be plain down and dirty! He's recently got personal with politicians, calling them all sorts of names, spitting, and seething in recent debates.
  • Christopher Luxon proudly calls himself Mr. Numbers – he likes to spout off lots and lots of numbers to impress, as he fools you into believing he knows what he's talking about. He's got numbers on crime, numbers on education, numbers on household debt. He believes if he parrots on about enough numbers, you'll believe he knows what he's talking about. However, when you dig deep into National's numbers like experts have been doing, there are holes for miles, exposing his vulnerabilities. He basically thinks voters are dumb and he can bluff his way into power this election.
  • Luxon and Nicola Willis refuse to straight up answer whether they will protect our kids and abolish the Relationships & Sexuality Curriculum out of our schools, and ban men from women’s sports and changing rooms.
  • A Prominent Political Figure has been given name suppression until after the election, as he faces multiple sexual offending charges. His party should be ensuring this name suppression order is lifted so that voters are fully informed. Voters will not take kindly to this info coming out after the election. This kind of grubby behavior likely speaks to a grubby culture in that party.
  • Four ACT Party MPs have suddenly exited stage left, with the latest guy saying he won't give his reasons until after the election; sounds suspicious!
  • Winston Peters is behaving like the typical charlatan that he is. His political career is riddled with a pattern of opportunism, questionable alliances, and promises unfulfilled. Winston is only loyal to Winston. It should read 'Winston First', not 'New Zealand First'. Peters' shifting party allegiances over the years, and the new team he stands with each election cycle, cement the public perception of his opportunistic tendencies. This was no more obvious than the one-day walkabout he took around the Wellington protest, and then proceeded to disingenuously woo the freedom vote. All this after he had led, supported, and participated in the government's Covid reign of tyranny. Now he's stealing Freedoms NZ's policies stating he will compensate the Vaccine Injured and Vaccine mandated. But when questioned by media, he had no idea of the differences between the two – he was utterly confused – proving this is not a genuine measure but a vote-snatching exercise.
  • Two NZ First men are back in the Court of Appeal this week as the Serious Fraud Office takes them to task on cases of fraud. Fraud and dirty tricks have long plagued NZ First. 

  • Once again, Mainstream Media in New Zealand is trying to manipulate how the public of New Zealand vote. Once they've decided which blue or red horse they are backing, they start peddling their propaganda.
  • MSM ruthlessly gives minor parties very little media coverage. They do not provide a fair and unbiased playing field for all political parties. They only report on the political parties already in government. Oh, and Winston Peters. Why Winston, who only knows? Perhaps he holds them to ransom with a winebox of info on them as well. Wouldn't put it past the crafty old-timer.
  • MSM blatantly excludes minor party leaders from participating in political debates when the reality is parties like Freedoms NZ have new, fresh, and innovative ideas that should be heard, in contrast to the repetitive tired old drivel we hear from the parties already in government.
  • A 2021 report says it all, really. It showed that the top reasons Kiwis don't trust media are:
         1. Political Bias
         2. Politicisation of media
         3. Media is pushing certain social/other agendas (including climate change)
         4. Media offers opinions, not factual news and information
         5. Not offering a full picture of the events
         6. Selective reporting
         7. Poor standard of journalism I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above. Maybe there is hope Kiwis are waking up.

  • We know that MSM has been significantly paid off by the government over the past two terms with a combination of Covid propaganda funding, Climate Change propaganda funding, or the rort that was the Public Interest Journalism Fund.
  • MSM routinely misleads the public. Take this week's headline regarding a Destiny Church member that was killed – he was a kind-hearted man helping someone move, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet the headline is insensitive enough to suggest it's a Destiny Church member who has pled guilty to manslaughter. To hell with how much this hurts the victim's family. It shows how insensitive MSM has become, all in the name of easy click-bait and smear tactics.

• On Thursday night we heard Labour release their new Gang convoy policy. Immediately MSM reports, "Ginny Andersen, Labour's police spokesperson, was asked on Thursday if the proposal allowed police to seize vehicles involved in convoy-style protests, like those held by Brian Tamaki's group or by Groundswell. She said the new legislation is intended 'for when there are large-scale convoys going through public roads and they are disrupting people's daily lives and people going about their daily business.' Police would have discretion for when they use the legislation, Andersen said. Labour leader Chris Hipkins said police would 'consider things like protest, for example, where people are breaking the rules.'

Note, there's no talk of known gangs. Instead, the story is dominated talking about protestors, and the only name mentioned is mine. Then no surprises, the next morning we awake to MSM sharing yet another repeat story about Marama Davidson being nicked by a ManUp motorbike rider's handlebar when she surprised him and stepped out into the middle of the road in front of him. Why the timing? Because it all speaks to their agenda and continued narrative to paint me as a motorbike riding, gang leader.


  • Former prime minister Jim Bolger was right when he said “bugger the polls” after he didn’t get the 1993 majority election win the polls had predicted.
  • There's been a worldwide trend with Brexit, Trump-Clinton election, the 2019 Australian election, the 2020 US election, and the 2022 US midterms, where the polls were way off.
  • Even in NZ, the 2020 polls completely overestimated the National vote and underestimated Labour's. No one was more surprised than Jacinda and her Labour team when they stormed home with 50% of the vote, and National only got 25.6%, giving Labour absolute power to govern. Foolishly, groups block voted for Labour based on incorrect polls.
  • Again in 2020, Chloe Swarbrick was running third in the Auckland Central polls at 25%, and she cruised home to win the seat with 35% of the vote.
  • Pollsters are admitting it's becoming increasingly hard to poll people as many are distrusting of sharing their data due to privacy reasons, and many people are suspicious of answering phone calls from an unknown telephone number.
  • It's not uncommon for the margin of error in any given poll to be around 5%. 5% also just so happens to be the benchmark for minor parties to get into Parliament.
  • Polls are also misleading in that they often don't clearly show the 'undecided' vote, which averages around 13% in each poll. These are the voters who leave it to the last minute to decide, they are often dissatisfied with the big parties, and they're looking for an alternative option.
  • Unfortunately, pollsters use the power of persuasion to influence voters that their vote will be wasted if directed to a minor party, creating a pile-on effect as voters move their vote to a party they portray who can cross the 5% threshold. We currently see this foolhardy folly likely to occur again with NZ First...but then, who can believe the polls.
  • These days, there are also not as many polls undertaken each election due to their cost. Those who do pay for polls, like MSM, often sensationalize the results to try and recoup their cost.

Have you heard enough?

It's time to hose down the yard at Parliament and get rid of all the mudslingers, muckrakers, and dirty politics once and for all.

Our farmers will know what I mean when I say it's time to hose down the yard! It's time to clean out all this muck and give ourselves a fresh start as a nation.

Kiwis deserve better. Kiwis deserve politicians, media, and polls that they can rely on. However, Kiwis are actually to blame. Kiwis have to stop voting career politicians back into Parliament. If you want different politics, you need to vote in new, fresh faces.

Kiwis have to stop supporting mainstream media that lies and manipulates us.

Kiwis need to call for polls to be banned in New Zealand. These polls unfairly manipulate and influence voters.

We believe that polls should be banned in the three months leading into an election. This will cause voters to vote based on their personal consciences, not based on public peer pressure or media manipulation. 38 countries around the world have bans on pre-election polls in some form or another, and it should also be the case in New Zealand.

It's time to create a Ballot Box Revolution this election. Let's shock the world. Let's take politicians, media, and pollsters by surprise and let's vote differently.

We cannot have a healthy nation when we have a sick Parliament. All the chaos in our communities, stems from the chaos in our government.

Party Vote Freedoms New Zealand. I am bold enough and courageous enough to hold politicians and media accountable and bring back integrity, honesty, and transparency.

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